Social media sucks. Fuck zuck. I miss blogs so I’m starting one.
These are some January updates.
ALC Progress
Hills have been rough. I’m trying to ride more and figure out how to handle hills. I thought it would be a lot easier but I got out of shape lately after the holidays and my thumb surgery. BC has been getting me out in the city on rides to hit more hills. Last weekend, we rode up to Sutro and Twin Peaks which is my biggest climb ever so far. With the AIDS/LifeCycle ride hitting elevations on certain days hitting close to 5,000 ft and 40-109 miles each day, I have a lot of work to do before June.
Below are some photos from some recent rides.
Art stuff
Ben hit me up to design a flyer for the Nora screening. It was a fun one to work on.
Back on making matchbooks. I like making them for shops/friends doing cool stuff. It’s a tedious process I’ll do a thorough post on later but it’s all done one at a time by hand. Maybe I’ll figure out a more efficient process eventually but for now, this is fun.